We know the perfect pumpkin is important and finding that perfect one should be fun. Grab a cart and walk the fields looking for the pumpkins that are perfect for you! Details for the U-Pick Pumpkins (Gourds and Squash) are in the barn. Or just ask any Wagon Wheel Farm associate to help.

The following types below of pumpkins, gourds and squash will be available for 2024.


We have orange pumpkins, blue pumpkins, white pumpkins….small, tall, short, round and flat pumpkins!! We have over 30 varieties of pumpkins….from small to pumpkins that weigh over 150 pounds!!

Gourds: Swans, Birdhouse, and Apple
Squash: Cushaw, Spaghetti, Butternut, Acorn, and Small Potato

Swan Gourd

Swan Gourd is great for painting and making holiday decorations. Harvest when gourds turn a dark green color. These gourds are known for their durability and long lifespan once dried and cured.  only are most of them beautiful, but they are edible as well, enabling you to create healthy and delicious dishes. 

Birdhouse Gourd

Birdhouse Gourd is a light-green fruit with rounded necks and bowls grow 14" tall and 12" in diameter. Dried gourds make excellent birdhouses and can last up to 15 years if properly created. Birdhouse gourds are technically edible, however they have fibrous flesh that is bitter in flavor. If you choose to eat gourds, harvest fruits when they are immature and still green.

Apple Gourd

Apple Gourds are large hard-shelled gourd shaped like an apple. Mottled green skin dries to brown; very long shelf life. Gourds are 6-8" tall and 4-6" across. Apple gourds offer a wide range of benefits that everyone should incorporate into a healthy diet. They are packed with antioxidants, minerals (such as iron and zinc), and vitamins that aid digestion and bolster the immune system.

Cushaw Squash

Cushaw Squash is a green-and-white-striped longneck squash. The Cushaw has minerals, carotene, vitamins A, vitamin B, and vitamin C. Eating Cushaw can help boost immunity, help delay aging, improve vision, help improve lung health, help lower blood pressure, and for pregnant women, help reduce birth defects of babies.

Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti Squash are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, including ivory, yellow and orange, with orange having the highest amount of carotene. Its center contains many large seeds. When raw, the flesh is solid and similar to other raw squash. When cooked, the meat of the fruit falls away from the flesh in ribbons or strands that look like and can be used as an alternative to spaghetti.

Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash has a sweet, nutty taste similar to that of a pumpkin. It has tan-yellow skin and orange fleshy pulp with a compartment of seeds in the blossom end. All squash are native to the Americas, and the butternut variety is thought to have been developed there in the 1940s. It was named 'butternut' due to its smooth-as-butter texture and nutty taste.

Acorn Squash

Acorn Squash contains antioxidants like vitamin C that help strengthen bones and blood vessels. It also has vitamin A, which helps improve the health of your lungs, heart and other vital organs. Acorn squash is a type of vegetable with a hard exterior and flesh and seeds inside. It has a sweet, nutty flavor. Acorn squash is a type of winter squash.

Small Potato Squash

Potato squash is about 6 inches wide and 4 inches tall and weighs approximately 2 3/4 pounds. They often are confused for a small white pumpkin and in fact, many people use mashed potato squash as much for fall decoration as for eating since the thick skin allows for a long shelf life. On the inside, the flesh is a semi-spongy pale yellow and there's pulp and seeds to be scooped out just like a pumpkin. Mashed potato squash is starchy and slightly sweet with notes of hazelnut, black pepper, and brown butter. It's not as sweet as a sweet potato but not as starchy as a white potato, it's kind of like the perfect in-between.

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